Brass formation “Radlseablech”

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”

Friedrich Nietzsche – philosopher, poet, cultural critic and classical philologist


Welcome to Radlseablech! We are a group of passionate brass players who have made it our mission to provide our audience with an unforgettable morning, afternoon or evening. Our music doesn’t just go straight to your ears, it goes straight to your heart!

We owe our foundation to a special time: During the Corona quarantine, joint rehearsals with the Peter Mayr Pfeffersberg music band, to which we all belong, were unfortunately not possible.

That’s why we organized ourselves into small groups and looked for suitable pieces for a smaller brass ensemble. Finally, we ended up with Bohemian-Moravian brass music, combined with modern light music that includes pop and brass pieces as well as ballads – music that touches the heart and offers something for everyone.

Where music resounds, conviviality is born,

Sharing happiness and celebrating togetherness.

Where music resounds, conviviality is born,

Sharing happiness and celebrating togetherness.


Of course, we also needed a suitable name. As we are invited to the Radlseekirchtag every year, the decision was quickly made: Radlseablech!

Now, let’s introduce the members of Radlseablech:

  • Hofer Sebastian on the drums, brings the rhythm into the round.
  • Hilpold Sepp is our tuba player in heaven – a true enrichment for every melody.
  • Ruppi Reifer plays the horn, an instrument that – according to brass musicians – was created by God in his wrath.
  • The trombone, supposedly a work of God in a good mood, is played by Stockner Markus to life.
  • The trumpet quartet consists of Hofer Walter, Unterrainer Andreas, Reinthaler Vitus and Schatzer Klauswho together create the powerful sound of our music.

Together we are Radlseablech, and we look forward to inspiring you with our music!

Wheel cover